Our Story
After four decades of pastoring, the last twenty at Crossroads in Bakersfield CA, Ken and Shar were led by the Lord to hand the pastoral role at Crossroads over to some wonderful, young leaders and to make themselves completely available to anyone, anytime, anywhere, who could use help and encouragement in their marriage relationship.
Throughout their entire ministry life, Ken and Shar have worked diligently and lovingly with marriages in hopes of helping them thrive, and to escape the painful destruction of divorce. This is the same desire that drives them now, and has led them to begin a new, non-profit ministry; Marriage Matters.
Ken and Shar were childhood sweethearts and best friends going back to the 6th grade! They have been married for 45 years, have three wonderful children (each one married to an incredible spouse) and nine grandchildren with a tenth one currently being fostered. They continue living in Bakersfield, CA, but hope to be an encouragement to marriages far beyond the limits of their own city.