Crisis Care
The assault upon marriage and family seems to be really heating up, right? Just this morning I read an article announcing that a young, well known Christian leader with a global sphere of influence and a very large church in Texas was stepping down from his leadership position. Why? He had been conducting what he called an “unguarded and unwise” Instagram relationship with a woman who was not his wife.
So what is a couple to do when this kind of crisis arises? Events like this require great care, encouragement, love and guidance in an effort to restore the relationship and move toward a healthy future. When crisis hits, it can become emotionally overwhelming. The strongest of couples can become disoriented, confused and incredibly lost. It can feel utterly hopeless.
Marriage Matters believes that marriages can pass through crisis and be salvaged through the grace of God and by the working of His Spirit. We have seen couples, both young and old, go through the most painful events you can imagine, and with the right support and guidance are able to overcome and thrive once again. It takes a “never give up” attitude and a big and faithful God, but there is always hope, even in the most painful crisis.

"With men this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible."
Matthew 19:26