Pre-Marital Prep
Our Marriage Prep Course is an eight session course that is designed to equip engaged couples for marriage. The course is offered both “in person” and remotely.
Each session will cover topics that we call “tools” to be added into your toolbag. Every couple comes into marriage equipped with a toolbag. The problem is that there are simply not enough tools in the bag to get the job done! One little screwdriver and a hammer won’t get the job done, will it? And that’s about all we have in the bag when we come into marriage.
Marriage Matters is dedicated to getting you properly equipped so that what you build together, your marriage is not just beautiful and gratifying, but built on a firm foundation so that it stands strong and unmovable in this ever-shifting world.
Topics we will cover include; conflict resolution and communication skills, honoring your vow, managing busy lives, managing a family budget, sexual intimacy, developing a together prayer life, husband and wife roles and everything in between.
Whether it's a first marriage for a young couple, or a subsequent marriage in the middle of life, you need the right tools in your bag to build what honors God first, and what enriches both of your lives.