Marriages in Church Leadership
This is a component of Marriage Matters that neither Ken nor Shar saw coming. Soon after launching Marriage Matters the Lord began introducing Ken and Shar to some full-time ministry couples who were really hurting. They just weren’t sure where they could find a safe place to get help, and protect their privacy.
The ministry life places some unique challenges on a young couple and many of them simply aren’t ready for the pressure it puts on a young couple who are up to their eyes in Christian service, raising kids, paying the bills, managing relentless schedules and all the time wondering how they are supposed to keep their own walk with Jesus healthy and vibrant. It can easily take its toll and fill a young marriage with frustration, doubt and some pretty deep pain.
After being married for forty-five years, forty-one of them serving in full-time ministry, Ken and Shar have a deep desire to come along side of ministry couples to help them overcome the “marriage and ministry” challenge.
If you are a couple in full-time ministry and would like to contact us for personal encouragement and care, send us an email today!